A Comprehensive Guide To Egg Freezing

What Is Egg Freezing?

It is a process of saving a female's ability to get pregnant in later years. Also called mature oocyte cryopreservation. In this procedure, the mature egg is collected from the woman's ovary and stored in a freezing environment. Later, when a female wants to be pregnant, the egg is fertilized with the help of In Vitro Fertilization technique and placed back in the uterus for embryo growth. The overall procedure is a bit expensive and sensitive.

Before choosing the egg freezing clinic in Chandigarh, Mohali, and other parts of the country, detailed information on this procedure is required. Your doctor can help you in this context by providing info on the egg freezing procedure.

Why Is It Done?

Mature Oocyte Cryopreservation is the process of preserving the potentials of females. It is the best option for females who are not ready for the concept but want to try later. There is a misconception that embryo conservation and egg conservation are the same procedure. However, they are entirely different; unfertilized egg freezing does not require sperm cells like embryo freezing. So even unmarried or single females can consider it.

You might need egg freezing if:

      You want to pursue higher degrees and make a demanding career.

      You have certain diseases like sickle cell anemia and cancer that can affect your fertility later.

      You want to conserve younger eggs for future use.

      You have some personal goals that you want to accomplish before bearing a child.

      You are simply not ready for kids.

The frozen eggs can be used to get pregnant either with the sperm of your spouse or with the anonymous/known donor. Also, an embryo can be placed in the uterus of another woman for further development (this is called gestational surrogacy)

Egg Freezing Cost In India

Although the cost of egg freezing is similar to the IVF cycle, i.e., between 50,000- 1 lakh, it can vary. Several factors can ovum pickup and time of storage that can affect the cost of freezing. Some centers charge around 20,000-30,000 per year to retain the eggs in a frozen state. This clearly shows that the more years you want to preserve, the more you will have to pay.

Age Limit For Egg Freezing

Age matters a lot when it comes to egg freezing. The quality of eggs starts degrading with age. Also, the number of eggs increases as you grow older. For instance, 35-year-old women need to preserve 10 eggs; on the other hand, 38 years females need to freeze 20 eggs for the same odds of successful implementation.

In short, egg freezing works best if you consider it between 20-28. It is important to note that the egg can be stored for max. 10 years. However, some eggs even die earlier. That's the reason lab technicians prefer to store more than 1 egg. Also, many health insurance companies cover egg freezing so that you do not have to lose your hard-earned money if the eggs get destroyed.

Side Effects Of Egg Freezing

Generally, egg freezing is entirely safe and does not have any side effects. But, some women can experience hormonal fluctuation due to egg freezing medications. The hormonal imbalance can result in mood swings, insomnia, hot flashes etc. However, these symptoms do not last for long; you will get back to normal condition within a week.

Wrapping Up -:

Egg freezing is a delicate procedure. That's why you should choose the egg freezing clinic carefully after doing extensive research. Some centers entice customers with low egg storage costs. Don't get attracted to them; otherwise, you will have to pay a huge amount later. Always go with well-known and reputed egg freezing centers.

Hope you found the above information helpful!

Reference Link: A Comprehensive Guide To Egg Freezing

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